May 11, 2020
With the current coronavirus lockdown measures, many garages are limiting their work and MOT’s being extended by six months, the likelihood of breakdowns after the crisis is going to be high as cars are going to be left unattended and unused for some months.
Those in the motoring industry have been advising that it is essential that everyone keeps their cars in good working order during the lockdown to improve the lifespan of their vehicle in the long term. Many may suffer potential issues with their batteries, engines and tyres after the lockdown if their cars have been parked up for a long period of time.
Many motorists could find themselves facing a hefty repair bill after lockdown ends and the world is back on its feet, and this can easily be avoided. Even though car usage has not come to a complete halt as many still need to use their cars daily for essential travel to work, there are going to be a lot of cars parked up and undriven for longer periods than normal.
As the lockdown continues, garages are only allowed to carry out essential repairs. This does not mean you can ignore any problems as police may issue fines of up to £2500 for driving a car that is deemed to be not roadworthy.
Considering all this, here are’s top 3 tips on how to prevent car part failures after lockdown:
The best thing you can do when leaving your car unused for long periods is to not actually leave it. Running your car will help keep the battery charged, but make sure you are only driving when your journey is essential!
These little things will make a huge difference to your car after lockdown. Save your handbrake by leaving your car in gear, with chocks behind the wheels to prevent your handbrake cable from stretching and your brakes from binding. Pump your tyres up to avoid flat spots when it’s not being used.
The final tip is to ensure you’re keeping your car’s vital liquids topped up during the lockdown. Top your car up with oil, check your coolant levels and by keeping your car fuelled up, you will prevent moisture developing in the tank and reduce the risk of rusting.
For more essential tips to keeping your car roadworthy, click here!
If you’re finding yourself in the position of not using your car as much as you normally would it is so important that you’re keeping on top of car maintenance so that when you do drive it again, you are ready to go without any problems. The current MOT extension period also requires you to keep your car in a roadworthy condition, it is not okay to ignore any problems for a further 6 months until your test.
If you find yourself needing to take your car to a local garage before the lockdown ends, we are still operating to give you the best quotes!