Mar 30, 2020
What is car insurance?
Car insurance policies are designed to cover you if your car is stolen, broken into or if you have been involved in an accident. It will also protect other road users if you damage their vehicle or property. Your premium will be based on how much of a risk an insurer believes you to be. Things they will take into consideration are:
Even if you only use your car every now and again, you still need to have car insurance. If you want to find out more on how you can save money on your car insurance, click here!
Deciding on a car insurance quote can become a very stressful experience, and many of us think cheaper is always better. However, this is not always the case as you may be missing out on essential cover. Here at, you can now compare insurance quotes from over 100 providers no matter where you are!
Start comparing insurance quotes today!
*51% of consumers could save £200. Seopa split the providers on our system into different categories. They then selected quotes from the high volume sales providers as well as quotes from other providers which returned a price. Based on UK insurance market share data made available by the ABI, by way of a weighted selection process, we selected the cheapest of either the high volume sales providers or other providers (“the cheapest selected quote”). We then compared the cheapest quote on our system against the cheapest selected quote. We then took the savings figure which 51% or over could have saved using that formula. The savings you could achieve are dependent on your individual circumstances and how you selected your current insurance supplier.